Friday 5 October 2012

Hi mates, this will be my first contribution for our community.
This is an amazing website where we can found a lot of talks from different peoples and different topics like healthy, sports, humor, economy and whatever you like.
I think its a good tool to learn english because the videos have the option to puts subtitles in english an its too more betters than the subtitles of YouTube. So what I was doing was watch the videos the first time with subtitles an the second whit out them.

Here go the URL :

In the upper zone have a search engine and in the left menu where say "View all tags » " we can found all the topics separated.

And for the people who have samrtphons in the app store of Apple or Android there are an aplicaccion of TED and is easy to use. When I take a long bus trip I get my headphones and I choose some video for practis english in the bus.

I hope this information healps.
See you on Tuesday.


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